Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cafe Brit

today we went to cafe brit, every picture I took didnt save because my camera is a piece of crap- but its all in my head :) It was a total show about how coffee is made, with these two really enthusiastic tourguides- actually there where three, but they were really nice. I went kind of crazy because I technically heard the entire tour double time since they were translating- but that made it all the more interesting. Anyway so they showed us how coffee is made from the plantation, to the methods in which people taste it, and a couple pointers I remember,
- Arabica has less caffeine than Robusta
- Dont put coffee in the microwave
- slirp the coffee fast so that all tastebuds plus the nostril catch the flavor
- Coffee only has 20 minute span, and good coffee tastes good in any temperature
- Cafe Brit owns about 1000 private coffee growers
- They are unique in that they mix their beans, but at the same time give each region in Costa Rica credit, like coffee from Poas for example
-Coffee was discovered by a heard of sheep, then drank by arabs who spread it to europe, first in France, then in Italy the pope approved it to not be "the devil" , then eventually spread to the caribbean by some sailor, or explorer
-Coffee can be used to make liquor (never knew that one)
-they use the caffeine they take out from Decaff and sell it to companies like Coca-Cola and Redbull, and also for medicines, this is a good example of sustainability
-another example is that they recycle the percent of the bean that is not used

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